Monday, February 25, 2013

Eggless Multi-grain Wholewheat Flour Black Forest Cake

Eggless Multigrain Black Forest Cake

"It is not the standard Black Forest Cake Recipe, but my choice of ingredients that Rules !"

Who does not love the gorgeous Black Forest Cake? Being a vegetarian, I denied my taste buds the pleasure of this very tempting chocolate and cherry-laden German cake, thinking that egg was an essential ingredient to prepare this; but, my joy knew no bounds when I actually created a vegetarian recipe for this and that too with common ingredients available in an Indian household !
For people who want to brush up their knowledge about the Black Forest Cake, it is essentially a chocolate cake with layers of frosting made of whipped cream and maraschino cherries. The distinguishing ingredient of this dish is Kirschwasser( a type of cherry liquor), which you might be familiar with as Kirsch ! Well, I used apple juice in place of Kirsch and there is a  good reasons for this. In our house, we do not drink any kind of hard drinks, and so alcohol( an important constituent of Kirsch) was not in my kitchen inventory. Not all Indians like to consume alcohol, especially when the item in which it is used will be eaten by even children and elderly people. Therefore, apple juice formed the base of my cherry extract. I soaked the cherries in apple juice and filtered that juice the next day and added it to my regular chocolate cake batter. Believe me, the result was just deadly !

" Thinking About the Health Aspect ? This Black Forest Cake Recipe takes care of it well ! "

If you are thinking about the health aspect of this black forest cake, then there cannot be a healthier alternative ! I used heart-healthy vegetable oil in place of butter in the cake, and most importantly used wholewheat flour enriched with soya flour, chickpea flour, oat flour, maize flour and Psyllium husk.  Moreover, you are aware that the world is turning vegetarian these days for health reasons...and this is a totally vegetarian cake !

Everybody Has the Right to Enjoy Good Food, Not Only the Rich !

My eyes used to fill with tears when I would watch kids from average Indian families desperately controlling their temptation while passing by commercial bakeries laden with utterly delicious, but very pricey cakes, of which the Black Forest was definitely one. I wanted to do something about this. I wanted to make the dish with healthy and commonly available ingredients. Items made with healthy, but economical ingredients can be prepared  in any Indian household.My motto is, good dishes should not be items to be relished by only a few; they should be within the reach of the masses too. After all, everybody has the right to enjoy good food.  This recipe is an endeavor on those lines. If you do not have an oven, you can use your pressure cooker to make this. Just do not use water in it and do not put the whistle on top.

So here is the recipe for the same...View the presentation below and give me feedback on the same...
So How did the Black Forest Cake Get its Name and Who Invented It?

Since we love the Black Forest Cake so much, just a small trivia session will not do any harm ! So here are the facts about its origin ...The first time I came to know about this cake, I wondered why it was called the Black Forest Cake. Many of us might think that the chocolate shavings( which resemble the soil of the woods), and the cherries( which resemble the fruit bearing trees), against the white whipped cream backdrop( which resembles the snow), resembles a black forest. But that is not the reason... the cake gets its name from Schwarzwälder Kirsch from Schwarzwald, the German Black Forest.
The Black Forest Cake was not actually a cake, and the person who created it was a German baker named Josef Keller, in his kitchen in Bad Godesberg called Agner.

Are Black Forest Cakes Specifically Made for Any Holidays?

While the Black Forest Cake makes an utterly delicious item for any party, formally, you can see it prepared more on Washington's Birthday, also known as President's Day,  and there is an interesting story attached to this...Six-year-old George Washington cuts down the bark of his father's favorite cherry tree with his hatchet and when his father demands to know about the person who cut off his tree, George gathers courage and tells him the truth. George's father's anger just vanishes, and he praises his son for speaking the truth, saying that the virtue of his son to speak the truth in the face of adversity, was more worthier than a thousand such cherry trees  to him!


  1. Replies
    1. Somdutta, Thanks for visiting my virtual kitchen here and for the compliment ! :)
